esmaspäev, 17. august 2009 shot me down

She spends her time dreaming
of skies-on-fire and
midnights with shooting stars
and hearts on fogged windows
and late night calls with
puffs of steam coming from the
red coffee mug she so liked
and fields of sunflowers
and i-love-yous whispered
in the dark to her and
only to her

But the truth is:
the skies are an ashen grey
and beauty is short-lived,
the stars no exception to that.
the hearts are full of cracks
and sharp edges and they
make her bleedbleedbleed.
she has forgotten the
number she wants to reach
and the coffee has gone cold
and the mug is smashed
into threethousandfortyeight
crimson pieces on the floor.
the flowers are all dead
and the heart beneath her
crrk-crackling ribcage doesn't
go thumpthumpthump anymore
and no precious three syllables
could bring it back because
she doesn't believe in lies.
not anymore.

People don't disappear. we just stop looking for them


You like to write reminders on the backs
Of your hands and
The sides of your fingers
To keep you from forgetting
Silly things like
Remember to smile
Practice breathing
Stop falling in love


Maybe I could be the one
To make you smile
To wash the ink off the backs of your hands
Maybe I could be something you'd be good at.
Without needing to be reminded.


that ink has been sinking into our skin

from "Breathing lessons" by paperheartsyndrome

I'm never going to tallinn..ever again!
it was a nightmare. i should have ran away when i had the chance.
aga noh, kuigi ma vihkan shoppingut, sain ma riideid. jee! ja kujutad ette, 2 paari teksasi. unbelievable!!

agaaaaa, mai saanud Gorillade plaati. niuksniuks. )=
ma tahan Gorillade plaati!! *whines like a seven-year old* (oh wait, i am! XP)
Gorillaz- Sound Check
- Clint Eastwood

enivei.....mul on bounty sõltuvus.

teisipäev, 11. august 2009

dear me...stop believing in fairy tales

Dear Mariabelle
You were like a flower once,
delicate and beautiful.
But he made you his
grotesque little puppet and
now there's nothing left of
you but a husk of wind.
You loved him even when
he tore off your wings and
tied strings to your arms
and carved crimson hearts
on your hipbone and said
"I own your heart."
I guess you didn't know
any better, after all it was
the only way of love
you ever knew.

He wrapped his hands around
your heart and squeezed it
until you sunk to the bottom
of the ocean to sleep with
the fishes.

step into the water and sinksinksink...
until your heart feels no more.

esmaspäev, 10. august 2009

her heart is probably smashed into three-thousand little pieces..

..and that the only way to fix it would be to get a brand new heart.
Instead she just wears a heart-shaped sticker on the left side of
her shirt, and smiles because stickers are replaceable.

from "Afterthought" by Miss-Deathwish

fuck, ma oleks peaaegu ära lämbunud. (vahel on ohtlik üksi elada. kui ma ikka põrandal maas tõmbleks praegu, siis vist ikka kiirabi kutsuda ei saaks.) :D:D
aga see selleks.

Ema ei jäta mind üldse rahule. koguaeg käib pinda, et mai söö üldse. mis mõttes nagu?? söön juuu.
okey, jah, mai söö just kõige tervislikumalt(kui ma üksi olen) aga hea et ma üldse midagi söön..vahel. :D

laupäeval käisin Koidul, tädi sünnal. nalja sai parajalt ja lõbus oli. ainult ema ja sugulane olid puudu. deem, how much i love my family, i'm so grateful i have them in my life.
but sometimes it breaks my heart that i don't have any siblings.
Riinal on vedanud, ta õde ja vend on super lahedad inimesed.

Dear Amelia
I know you won't listen to
me anymore and you
have nothing left to say.
You sit there against the
wall with your marble
eyes wide open and looking
at nothing. Did you do
that on purpose?
Your wrists have red ribbons
decorating them and
crimson blooms to life
while you are withering away.
They are coming to put you
in a black bodybag and
take you away.
As you're laying in that coffin
your beauty is unnatural and
not a single flower could
compete with you.
But when they're lowering
you to the earth everything
is suddenly wrong.
Your wish was to become
so you could be beautiful
forever, but now all i can
think of is how you will rot
and worms will eat your
beauty away until you're
nothing more than ugly
broken bones.
They never did listen to you,
even when you were still

Now they would give the
world to hear but a word
from you...
But you have spoken your
words and now you lay in
silence forever.

.....i was bored.
minu 'writing' teemaks on praegu "beauty and death"
or something along the lines.