esmaspäev, 17. august 2009

People don't disappear. we just stop looking for them


You like to write reminders on the backs
Of your hands and
The sides of your fingers
To keep you from forgetting
Silly things like
Remember to smile
Practice breathing
Stop falling in love


Maybe I could be the one
To make you smile
To wash the ink off the backs of your hands
Maybe I could be something you'd be good at.
Without needing to be reminded.


that ink has been sinking into our skin

from "Breathing lessons" by paperheartsyndrome

I'm never going to tallinn..ever again!
it was a nightmare. i should have ran away when i had the chance.
aga noh, kuigi ma vihkan shoppingut, sain ma riideid. jee! ja kujutad ette, 2 paari teksasi. unbelievable!!

agaaaaa, mai saanud Gorillade plaati. niuksniuks. )=
ma tahan Gorillade plaati!! *whines like a seven-year old* (oh wait, i am! XP)
Gorillaz- Sound Check
- Clint Eastwood

enivei.....mul on bounty sõltuvus.

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